Monday, August 31, 2009

Im back!

YO! sorry for the late reply!
So after a long slack break of no replies i have some good news.....i havent been pulled up by the police once since my last post! Amazing huh?!
And by the looks of things the poll is showing why :) maybe the police are stating to think the same?either way im not complaining.....But back to the topic at hand about the difference between the so called "boy racers" and "car enthusiasts".....well i planned to put up 2 videos showing the differences between the two but apparently my mac has other ideas and doesnt want to let me :( so tomorrow it is! but until i hope i dnt have any run ins with the police! toodles for now

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Post !! The start of it all......

Hey there,welcome to my blog! 
As the title above reads,this blog is based around the "Boy Racer" issue in Christchurch,New Zealand...I am from Christchurch and am a "Car Enthusiast" but alot of people seem to think differently these days.....there is a difference between being a "boy racer" and a "car enthusiast"!! For example,these accused boy racers have been caught in the act doing numerous illegal things including weekly skids/burnouts in rural areas,vandalism to property,"bottling cars" and the most pulicised event of the police car shooting with a air rifle.Just to get the message across i have no intention of doing any of these things so why should i be constantly pulled over by police,searched and generally treated like scum?!

Im 18years old and i drive a year 2001 Nissan Silvia which is almost standard minus its stereo setup and mag wheels....
does that make me a boy racer? apparently so.....
Well heres a image of my car for you to decide...

I feel as if im targeted by the Police because of my age, gender, and the style of car which in my opinion is wrong! 
I should'nt be singled out the Police because of what they like to think a boyracer is.....

Got to go! Dreamweaver to do! ill be back to complain some more later :P